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  • kaylahaydar

Content Creation

How do you make striking content that draws peoples interest? Content is the finishing touch to your video board display. A video board with bad content is like a cake without icing on it, it just leaves people disappointed. That is why it is critical to know how to make content that will draw in peoples interest. Keep in mind the four elements listed below, and you will create striking content every time.

Color schemes are key. Be sure to use colors that work in harmony with one another. There is enough information on color theory to fill a book, but there are a few key elements to keep in mind. Color harmony is critical. Analogous colors are any three colors which are side by side on a 12-part color wheel. An example is yellow-green, yellow, and yellow-orange. One of the three colors usually predominates. Complementary colors are any two colors which are directly opposite each other on the color wheel. These opposing colors can be used to create maximum contrast and stability. Colors also have effects on each other. The relationship of saturation, values, and the warmth/coolness of respective hues can cause obvious differences in how colors are perceived.

Timing is everything. Timing, Timing, Timing. The importance of timing cannot be stressed enough. Too fast? Too slow? Is the timing between elements consistent? Key frames are your best friend when creating content. Never be afraid to move key frames around. Play through the clip each time you move your key frames to see how the timing looks, until you find the perfect timing for your element. Proper timing on elements is what completes your content. Timing that is off will negate any good graphics you have created.

Transitions build intrigue. Imagine a Super Bowl game with no half time show. There would be a substantial amount of fans that would be frustrated, board, and potentially stop watching the game all together. The half time show is critical for keeping fans interested, hyped, and ready to watch the rest of the game. Transitions in your content are equally as important. Poor transitions (or the lack there of) can cause the viewer to loose interest and potentially stop watching your content. On the other side, transitions that are properly done can build intrigue for the viewer and make them excited to see what comes next.

Composition does matter. Always keep your composition in mind. Ask yourself, the following questions when creating your content:

*Is everything aligned properly?

*Is the visual weight of all your elements balanced? Think of visual weight as a force. The greater the force, the more it draws the eye. The less force, the less your eye notices it. These forces interact between elements and create visual direction. Ultimately, the visual weight leads the eye. Visual weight creates hierarchy, flow, rhythm, and balance in your composition. Size, color, texture, value, shape, orientation, and position are all factors of visual weight.

*Should fewer or more edges be engaged? Engaging the edges of your composition with elements creates interest. Just be careful not to engage too many edges, as this can become unpleasing to the eye.

*Is the composition too busy, or is it not busy enough? While you want your content to be entertaining, you also want it to be visually pleasing. Be careful not to create content that is uncomfortable to watch, but also do not bore the viewer.

All of these thoughts should be taken into consideration to create a strong composition.

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